A Special Day for Getting Married

weddingcake.jpgI’ve heard that there’ll be a big spike in the number of marriages taking place tomorrow, especially in China.

A lot of couples think that the 8th of the 8th, 2008 is a significant date and so they want to tie the knot on that day. Some think that it’s a lucky date and I’m sure that many think it’s romantic to be married on such a unique date.

I reckon a big reason for choosing that date is that the guys want to make sure that they don’t forget their anniversary in the years to come. They figure that if they choose a significant date like that they’ll be less likely to forget that special day each year and it’ll help them remember how many years they’ve been married too.

I’ve heard of people forgetting their anniversary and it’s not a good idea. I look forward to my anniversary each year and so I can’t imagine that I’ll ever forget. Mind you, we got married on the 12th of the 12th, 1992 so that helps a bit.

I dread to think what might happen to any of those guys getting married tomorrow, on such a special day, if they still forget their anniversary.

What are you like at remembering special dates? Have you ever forgotten an anniversary and lived to tell the tale? Has you spouse forgotten your anniversary? Do have any special way of remembering dates?

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Some 5 or 6 years ago I called my boyfriend on September 26th cause I had a question.
    Only when I heard how puzzled he sounded I realised it´s September the 26th – his birthday.
    Oh, well, nearly everybody I know has a birthday on either the 19th or th 26th, even me including, just the month changes.

    I´m really bad with dates.
    I felt so miserable about it afterwards, I told a friend. He reminded of this story often afterwards and I never forgot my boyfriend´s birthday again 🙂 So far! 😉

  • Remembering dates is actually something I find really easy. I can remember dates of all sorts of events, whether or not anyone considers them important. I don’t know why I can remember…I just do….. and because of this I’m usually quite unsympathetic to the forgetful ones. I don’t think Duncan would dare forget my birthday or our anniversary 😉

    For the forgetful people…I think calendars and diaries work wonders. There are so many options these days, both print and electronic, people just need to start using them.

  • I think i get my dad’s birthday wrong every year. It’s either the 18th or the 19th of august. We had a LOT of family friends with birthdays on those dates which lead to combined parties, which is What i blame for confusing my still (at that time) forming brain! I have the correct date plugged into my phone, but i’ll still check with mum first! The worst thing though? My birthday’s a week after it, which ‘should’ make it easier for me to remember…but, no!
    But then, the other year my brother and my dad were arguing about how old I was turning, and they were BOTH wrong! 🙂

  • That must have been very awkward for you, Iris. 🙂

    Maybe you need to set up reminders on your computer for all the important dates of the year. 🙂

  • Calendars and diaries work well … as long as you remember to put the details in first. 🙂

    By the way, Sarah, I’m loving your photos from Tasmania. I wish I could spend more time there. I’ve been there twice. The second time was on a cycling trip from Perth, Western Australia to Hobart. There are a lot of hills in Tassie. 🙂

  • Paula, my dad’s birthday was the 13th of August … or was it the 14th?

    My dad and one of my sisters-in-law had birthdays on consecutive days and I would often mix them up in my mind.

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