Back to School Sales

pencil_sharpeners.jpgI wish I was still at school.

Thirty years ago, when I was going to school, the Back to School Sales were all about exercise books, grey school clothes, crayons, Bata Scouts and pencil cases.

I always hated going shopping in the weeks before school returned because there would be ‘Back to School’ signs hanging everywhere, mocking me, reminding me that my freedom would soon be over.

How things have changed. I see there’s an advertisement in the newspaper today for Back to School Specials which include an eighteen hundred dollar high definition video camera, a laptop computer and widescreen televisions which cost anywhere from two thousand to nine thousand dollars.

I’m not quite sure what the connection to going back to school could possibly be but if that’s the kind of thing you need for school these days I might just have to re-enrol.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • I know! Our booklists were, well, BOOKlists! We’d get our books and wrap them in brown paper to protect them (yes, before contact was invented). Now they have thumbdrives on them. I remember spinning out at my friends nephew starting year one in 1988 and needing a floppy disk, for Year one!!! “Well the times, they are a-change-in” (Bob Dylan)…

  • I’m with you! Re-enroll here I come if I can have those toys! Is it really already time for the kids to go back to school over there? Seems like it was just warming up the other day.

    By the way the Aussie store closed down the road so I need a new Tim-Tam cookie hook up! HA! Why those are not in normal stores in the US is beyond me!

  • Back to school is just another excuse to sell stuff, I suppose. Maybe the college kids “need” all those fancy schmancy electronic goodies?

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