You’ve got to hand it to Coca-Cola. It takes guts to advertise the fact that you’ve created an awful product that no one likes.
By all accounts the original Mother Energy Drink tasted pretty disgusting. I can’t really comment as I never had any interest in buying energy drinks. However, an increasing number of people do buy energy drinks and not many of them were buying the original Mother, which is why the product was completely revamped.
The new Mother is now selling well in Australia and other energy drink makers are copying Mother in providing consumers with 500 ml cans, twice the size of their normal product.
I found an email in my inbox some weeks ago asking for my opinion on their recent advertising. You can check out the TV ads at the Mother Blog. The email also asked if I’d like to try some of the new product.
While I’ve never really had an interest in energy drinks I’ve always had an interest in free stuff, so I said ‘Yes please’.
Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been making my way through a couple of dozens cans of Mother. My supply is now running out and I’m really going to miss having my morning kick.
I’d describe the taste to you but I really can’t pick it. It’s the kind of taste that grows on you. You need to down a few cans, though not one after another, before you get hooked …. er …. I mean start enjoying the full bodied flavour of this remarakble energy drink.
Yes, their ploy worked. I’m quite likely to buy the occasional can from this point on.
I love what it says on the side of the can.
If you need a MOTHER of an energy hit, you need MOTHER. It delivers twice the kick, in a big black can. So now when a mate turns up with a wussy-sized can, you can raise your MOTHER up and proudly say, ‘did yours come with a man-bag?’.
It’s not only an energy drink, it’s an energy drink with a sense of humour.
I’m wondering if you’ve tried Mother. Do you like it? Do you feel the energy kick after drinking it? Are you able to describe the flavour?
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Nope, haven’t tried it yet because I heard its bad for you! LOL
But I do like V’s taste, again same thing had to have or try a few before you like it, I don’t like Red bull at all, tried it years ago and it tasted like cough meds.
Might just one day try the Mother.
Awesome. Did you bring your man-bag? Love it. If I ever see Mother here in Kenya I will buy a can just to support funny advertising.
Personally no I haven’t tried it, but the advertising has certainly got in with the teenagers. It is hard work as a parent to counter that…. that much kick is bound to have long term side effects. I believe it is a bit like the drink we had in Brasil which was beautiful (licking my lips) but again…. long term for kids…. mmm