
rainbow.jpgThere are some things that I could marvel at over and over again.

I love looking out our back door at sunrise and seeing the amazing colours that paint the sky. Not every sunrise is spectacular but day after day I can look at the emerging display and it really never gets old.

The moon has been pretty impressive over the last couple of mornings too. I’ve noticed it in the western sky as I’ve cycled to work. I love seeing the moon still hanging around in the morning, especially when it’s large and golden like it was yesterday.

This morning I saw another one of my favourites. An amazing rainbow was perched over the city as I cycled beside the river. If any of us see a rainbow when we’re at home we alert everyone else in the house before rushing outside to get a better view.

I never want to lose that sense of awe. There are so many natural wonders that continue to take my breath away no matter how many times I see them. The best part is that I know the one who made them all.

Are you still filled with wonder when you walk outside and see creation? What are the things that still amaze you no matter how many times you see them?

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Trees inspire me. The huge variations in shapes, textures and colours are amazing, and speak of a designer with vast imagination. All the paint colour charts at Bunnings don’t come anywhere near matching the overwhelming number of subtly different shades of green in Aussie trees. Driving through the wheatbelt and seeing the salmon gums almost glowing in the evening light stirrs my soul.

    • I think I need to pay more attention to the trees.

      We certainly do have some amazing trees. I’ve loved seeing the changes in them and other vegetation when I’ve cycled across Australia. Amazing stuff.

  • Rainbows get me every time. And sunsets (we don’t have them very often around here…sigh). And the green of the trees against the blue of sky.

  • I’m almost always calling my family to the windows or outside to look in awe at sunsets, rainbows even just unusual cloud formations.
    I’m continually amazed at the beauty of our natural surroundings and I think it’s important to stop as often as we are able in our busy lives and just take this beauty in.
    The rays of the early morning or late afteroon Sun breaking through the clouds always reminds of God’s majesty and his Glory.

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