Could you give up alcohol for a month?

FebFast is a fundraising campaign that invites people to participate in a booze-free February, and at the same time raise funds to support organisations working in research, prevention and service delivery concerning the use of alcohol and other drugs by young people.

FebFast founder Fiona Healy joined me on 98.5 Sonshine FM recently to talk about the initiative.

Over the past two years we have seen more than 3,500 people take up the FebFast challenge to give up the grog for a month. Collectively these people have raised more than $700,000 to support our cause.

Funds from our last two campaigns have been distributed to 13 organisations around Australia.

Proceeds from our 2010 registration and fundraising efforts will be shared amongst the Australian Drug Foundation (that operates nationally), YSAS (the Youth Substance Abuse Service) in Victoria, The Ted Noffs Foundation in NSW and the ACT, Mater Hospital’s Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Service in Queensland and FebFast’s grants program for smaller grass-roots organisations.

You can listen to our discussion by clicking the play button on the audio player at the bottom of this post.

So what do you think? Could you give up drinking for a month?

I find that whole months can go past without me having a drink anyway. I’m not what you’d call a big drinker. 🙂 I enjoy a glass of red wine now and then and an occasional beer (especially Bees Knees) but I’ve never been drunk.

What are your thoughts on drinking? Do you only drink to get drunk? Do you prefer not to drink at all? I’d be very interested in your thoughts.


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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Heh. I could easily give it up for a month because I’ve never had even a sip of alcohol in my life. 🙂 It’s just a decision I made as a teen for myself. I don’t mind that other people drink (responsibly), though. Blessings, Debra

  • Same here Rodney, I luckily never developed a taste for alcohol and never drank a glass of either beer or vodca or brandy or what ever is out there.

    My limit every now and then either when friends are here for a bbq or we are over is half a glass of red wine.
    I had champagne before say at a wedding and enjoyed the taste but also never went for seconds or so.

    A fruit juice, diet coke or nice cuppa tea is more my thing. We bought a few bottles of wine just to make the wine rack look good! 🙂 it’s now gathering dust for the next visitors to come over.

    I’ll easily get through Feb. Luckily hubby and I have the same outlook on alcohol.

  • I could do that easily. It has got to be more than a month since I’ve had a drink anyway and although I enjoy the odd beer or Vodka Chocolate Mudshake, I’ve never really acquired a great taste for alcohol. A chocolate-free February would be much harder though. 😉

    I think it’s more tempting to drink for social/cultural reasons in Australia rather than the taste as alcohol dominates the social scene to such an extent.
    .-= Sarah´s last blog ..The Year of Judy Nunn and Belinda Alexandra =-.

  • Two years ago that would have been a major challenge for me:) I used to drink quite a lot, but now it would not bug me much either. Haven’t had a beer since early December and only had a couple of glasses of wine here and there this year.

    But it sounds like a good cause and probably a good thing for people to do who do drink regularly.

    best of luck.


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