Hiding beer, burgers and pizza

burger.jpgIf you’re a guy who’s put on a few extra kilograms over the Christmas break there is now a perfect solution … the Mirdle.

News.com.au has published a story which reports that a male girdle is ready to do big business for men who want a trimmer look without doing the work required to achieve it naturally.

The stretch cotton vest and T-shirt are said to reduce a man’s waistline by up to 5cm and will be available in the UK and online from January 7.

I’m certainly in favour of wearing flattering clothing but flattening clothing may just be taking things a bit far for me.

I will admit to putting on a little extra weight over the past couple of weeks but I’m now back on my bike and looking forward to reversing that trend. I managed to drop quite a few kilograms during 2009 and so I was dissapointed that I allowed myself to take a couple of steps back but I’m still happy to look at the big picture and work towards greater fitness again in 2010.

I’m not a fan of tight clothing and I don’t think I’d be prepared to sacrifice comfort for a slightly improved shape, especially when I would know that everything would head south as soon as I removed the Mirdle.

How about you? Do you reckon that it’s a reasonable idea? Is it the kind of thing that might give guys the extra confidence they need or is it cheating? Is it simply making the most of what we’ve got or pretending that we haven’t got that little bit extra?

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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