Was your training worth the effort?

I left school at the age of 15 and for the next four years undertook a cooking apprenticeship.  I’m a qualified chef but apart from doing most of the cooking at home I don’t use my training in my job as a radio announcer.

I’m wondering how many people use their original career training in their current careers. Are you working in the industry you began your working life?

Please vote in the poll and then leave a few thoughts in the comments section of this post.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • I was trained in administration, and after 4 years in a different industry, I’m back in admin. Although I’m now undertaking university studies, so once that’s done, who knows?!

  • I’ve been reading your blog for about six years, and I did not know you are a trained chef. What a surprise!
    .-= Donna´s last blog ..Just Keep Moving, Moving… =-.

    • My dad and one of my brothers were chefs too. I guess that’s why I decided to train as a chef but in the end, it really wasn’t me.

  • I didn’t realise that about you Rodney, I can picture you in the chef’s uniform, hat and all. Maybe you should cook when you come over (kidding). I did my degree in art but never did my Dip.Ed so I can’t teach it. I suppose the fact that I make and sell things counts as me using my training skills.
    .-= Amanda´s last blog ..New things coming =-.

  • I´m from the branch architecture (that says it all, huh, no work available). Put my diploma in a web-based form in 2000 to stand out a bit and an architectural office really wanted to hire me. … to make them a web-site!
    So I said to myself, do it from scratch. Became a trainee again and am working now as web-developer.
    Suppose, though, that my title as graduated engineer helped me a lot on the way, so it wasn´t totally useless.

    I am totally happy with this job!

    In the aftermath everything worked out just perfectly for me!
    .-= Iris´s last blog ..My Husband, Mr. K. =-.

    • I sometimes wonder if we’re too young to decide our future careers when we have to pick our area of training.

      Although, I must admit that I wanted to work in radio from a very young age and I never really had the same passion for cooking, so maybe I should have skipped the cooking training and gone straight to radio.

  • Hi Rod. I also trained as a chef at 15. I couldn’t choose an answer in your poll above as all 3 are kinda true! I turn out approx 30 meals and 20 snacks every day just for the fam but haven’t worked in the industry (apart from the odd wedding cake etc). In school I knew I wanted to do either cooking, art, fashion or something with English. Since leaving school I have done each of those things also having had a design/dressmaking business and done the magazine for GFA. I am so glad for the training I had… every bit of life that has gone before has shaped my life today including what I value and enjoy. I may well never do any of those things again outside the family but each has brought wonderful people and amazing experiences into my life that I’d never never swap.
    PS My chef’s uniform is in the kids costume box!

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