Kindle Price Drop

amazonkindle.jpgGreat news. The Kindle Wireless Reading Device has dropped it’s price so it’s now more affordable wherever you are in the world. You can check out the new prices here.

I’ve loved the idea of the Kindle ever since Amazon started selling them, but being in Australia meant that I couldn’t buy one when they were first released.

When they did become available in Australia, and many other countries, the price was still a sticking point for me. If the price has been holding you back too, you may be interested to know that they’ve dropped in price considerably. I imagine it might have something to do with the iPad becoming available.

With this new Kindle, you can get your books, newspapers, and magazines delivered while at home or abroad in over 100 countries.

At Amazon, we’ve always been obsessed with having every book ever printed, and we know that even the best reading device would be useless without a massive selection of books. Today, the Kindle Store has more than 350,000 books, newspapers, magazines, and blogs available. This is just the beginning. Our vision is to have every book ever printed, in any language, all available in under 60 seconds on Kindle. We won’t stop until we get there.

Whether you prefer biographies, classics, investment guides, thrillers, or sci-fi, thousands of your favorite books are available, including 104 of 112 books currently found on the New York Times® Best Seller list. New York Times Best Sellers and most new releases are $9.99, and you’ll find many books for less.

While I’m sure that an iPad would be fun, I’d still like a Kindle Wireless Reading Device. The Kindle is simply a convenient book reading device. I’d find that quite useful. It would make reading a lot simpler than carrying around bundles and bundles of books, magazines and newspapers. I’m guessing that I’ll need to add one to my wish list.

Would you ever switch to reading electronically or do you still prefer the feel of the paper and the experience of turning the pages?

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Hi Rodney. I have started a new weekly post called Friday Focus. Basically I write on Fridays a brief post about something the Lord has been teaching me that week. I’ve made it a blog hop with the linky tool and am inviting other Christian bloggers to join in if they want to. I have a banner on the post which you are free to use if you wanted to. Of course ignore this if you want, just thought I’d let you know. : )

  • with pricing going down this quickly, we will not have many paper books for long!
    and more shops in Australia are having good accessories! is now also stocking kindle covers and reading lights.

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