If it hasn’t touched your life yet, I can almost guarantee that it will.
We don’t like to talk about cancer so we can sometimes start believing that we’re alone in facing its cold hand. The reality is that since I’ve started talking to others about cancer I haven’t encountered even one person who hasn’t been personally affected in one way or another.
With that in mind I’m determined to do something about cancer and the grip it has on so many lives.
What’s your story?
Please use the comments section of this post to share your story. Have you been touched by cancer? Are you battling cancer now or beaten it in the past? Does a loved one have cancer? Have you lost a friend? If you’d rather not leave your story in the comments section of this post, you can go to my contact page and send me an email.
Help spread the word.
I’d also ask you to share the link to this post through your blog or whatever other means you have available. At the bottom of this post are buttons for sharing the details on StumbleUpon, Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, Digg Reddit or even emailing the post to others. Just click your preferred button (or all of them) to get the word out.
I’m about to undertake a bike ride of over 500 km to raise funds for Cancer Council Western Australia.
I’ll be joined by ten other cyclists and each morning for a week I’ll be sharing cancer stories on my 98.5 Sonshine FM radio programme before hopping onto my bike just after midday to cycle to the next town.
Here’s the itinerary:
Monday 15th November 2010: Albany to Cranbrook 91 km
Tuesday 16th November 2010: Cranbrook to Katanning 80 km
Wednesday 17th November 2010: Katanning to Wagin 55 km
Thursday 18th November 2010: Wagin to Pingelly 100 km
Friday 19th November 2010: Pingelly to York 87 km
Saturday 20th November 2010: York to Perth 97 km
TOTAL: 510 km
The team is hoping to raise over $15 000 for Cancer Council WA.
My personal goal is $1000. That means that I need 10 people to donate $100.
Can I ask you to consider donating $100 to help those facing cancer through Cancer Council WA? I know that not everyone can afford to give so generously so please feel free to give whatever you can. Every amount of $2 or above is tax deductible in Australia and will make a difference for so many.
You can donate directly by following this link.
The link will take you directly to the Cancer Council’s secure site. If you do donate to support me, can I ask that you leave a message on the site to tell me that you’re supporting me so that I can track those sponsoring my efforts? Alternatively you can email me to let me know you’ve donated.
If you know anyone in any of the towns along the way who you think would be a good contact, please let me know. If you can think of any other way you can help us with the event, please contact me.
Do you think some of your friends would enjoy reading What’s Your Cancer Story?? Please use the buttons below to share the post. Thanks.
Cancer has had a big impact on my extended family. My mother is one of 10 children, 8 of whom have died of lung cancer (all smokers). My cousin also died of lung cancer.
(Don’t know anybody in any of your target towns, but if you’d like to stop for coffee at a farm outside Mt. Barker, I could probably arrange that!)
Good project, Rodney. About three years ago, my mom lost her five year battle with leukemia. I’ll help spread the word.
The senior pastor of my church’s wife battled with cancer for 10 years. In 2000 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and in 2003 secondary cancer in her bone marrow. She has lived a life of service and witness for Christ these past ten years. An amazing woman who, though very ill most of the time, always gave her time to others.
She passed away last Thursday, after a 12 month battle with brain tumors and a subsequent stroke. Medically she has gone further than any doctor had seen with the cancer she had, and they could not explain her lack of pain or even her living. Yet at all times she and her family have given glory to God. There were 650+ at her funeral on Tuesday where the Gospel continued to be preached.