Hot Shower Therapy

After months of very little rain, Perth got a bucketing this afternoon. We need the rain and I certainly wouldn’t complain about the downpour, but it does have a downside.

A bad ride is still better than a good drive most of the time but my ride home from work today was one I’d rather not repeat.

To start the ride, I noticed that my rear light wasn’t operating properly. On a dark afternoon I wasn’t too pleased with the idea of taking to busy roads without being seen by other road users so I stuck to bike paths wherever I could. That meant traveling over some really average surfaces.

A few kilometres from home my left eye started stinging. A summer of sweat was now washing out of the pads in my helmet into my burning eye. I rubbed my eye as little as possible but I still needed to stop the stinging so I had little choice.

On top of those problems, the rain was falling and the wind was blowing, making forward motion all the more difficult. It was a slow trip home.

Then, about a kilometre or so from home, my rear tyre punctured. It was dark, raining and my eye was stinging so I had no intention of changing a tube. I took off my shoes and helmet and walked the rest of the way home in my socks.

I wasn’t feeling wonderful when I got home so I stripped off my rain jacket and wet clothes and jumped into a nice hot shower. Aaaaaah!

That’s all it took. A few short minutes in a hot shower and life was suddenly a whole lot brighter. I still need to sort out my tyre, rear light and helmet, as well as drying clothes and shoes, but a short, hot shower can work miracles.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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1 Comment

  • Ah yes the joys of riding in the rain. Thankfully you punctured close to home. I have had a longer walk once and once a taxi ride after puncturing on the coast (read pouring down in the rain and blowing a gale off the ocean). Managed to break the valve in my spare tube … $50.00 later I got home.

    Learnt now to carry two spare tubes, use a pump with a hose and also have two rear lights fitted (Radbot 1000) and one spare set of batteries in the saddle bag.

    Glad to hear the shower did the trick.


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