Microwave Madness

How hard should it be to find a fuse?

Our microwave oven stopped working on Saturday. Since then I’ve discovered that a small fuse inside has blown. It’s just a little fuse. Only 20 millimetres long. Maybe that’s why they’re so hard to find.

I don’t know yet whether a blown fuse is the only problem or if that’s just a symptom of a bigger issue, meaning that we’ll have to try to find the money for a new microwave oven. I would like to grab a couple of fuses, try one, see if it blows, if it does, try again, if it blows again … give up … it’s dead.

I’ve been in touch with a number of businesses trying to track down the right fuse but no one seems to have it. They’re all keen to help by handballing me on to the next supplier but each one in turn directs me on to another. If I do find them they’ll only cost a couple of dollars each but it’ll help me work out if we’re up for a new appliance.

In the meantime, I’m remembering what cooking was all about before we had the convenience of a microwave oven in every kitchen.

Have you had trouble finding something you thought would be simple to find?

Are you a fan of microwaves or do you prefer the good old fashioned methods of cooking?

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • I find that its always the smallest thing that is the hardest to find although there are many times when something big is right there in front of me and I can’t see it!

  • Fuses are there for a reason and usually indicate a failure of the circuit downstream. You may replace the fuse only to find it blows straight away. If so throw the microwave in the bin. The fuses are relatively standard and you can get them from Radio Spares. They have a web site and you can order a pack of 5 or so and have them post them to you. Ensure you replace like for like- the amp and volt rating is on the bezel. If in doubt bring it Sat and I will have a look.

  • Thanks Keith. The microwave is only a few years old so, like you, I suspect it’s just a symptom of something bigger. I want to try a fuse just to see if it blows immediately. If it does, it’s goodbye microwave.

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