Buy a Cycling Jersey to Suppport Cancer Ride

I’ve written here before about my upcoming Ride for Cancer

I’m about to undertake a bike ride of over 500 km from Albany to Perth to raise funds for Cancer Council Western Australia. This will be the third year in a row that I’ve cycled for this cause. I feel very strongly about it and if you’ve been effected by cancer, I’m sure you do too. The work being done by Cancer Council Western Australia is having effects right around the world through their high level research.

I’ll be joined by twelve other cyclists and each morning for a week I’ll be sharing cancer stories on the Morning Café, my 98.5 Sonshine FM radio program, before hopping onto my bike just after midday to cycle to the next town. The ride will start on the 31st of October and we’ll arrive back in Perth on Saturday the 5th of November.

The team is hoping to raise over $20 000 for Cancer Council WA. I’ve set my personal goal at $2000.

You can give directly by going to the secure Everyday Hero fund raising site set up especially for the ride. Just click the Donate Now button and select my name as the team member you’d like to support.

Buy your own exclusive jersey

Another way you can help the cause and get something for yourself is to buy a limited edition cycling jersey. These jerseys will be the same as those that the team of riders on the Albany to Perth ride will wear.

Perth Integrated Health have jumped on board as a major supporter of the Cancer Ride this year and have set up an online store for those who’d like to buy one of the limited edition jerseys. Orders close on Monday the 26th of September so you have only two weeks to order.

Follow the link to get all the details and see both the front and back views of the jersey.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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