Do you want to stay unhappy? Do you want to be dissatisfied with your life?
It’s unlikely … but your actions might suggest that you’re working towards sustained unhappiness. There may be thoughts or actions that are holding you back from a fuller, happier life. It’s possible that you’re setting yourself up for failure and you don’t even know it.
Royal Farris has quoted author, David Jeremiah, in his article List That Will Guarantee Unhappiness.
Here are just four of the ten things that they suggest can rob you of a joyful, happy life.
- Make little things bother you; don’t just let them, make them.
- Get yourself a good worry–one about which you cannot do anything but worry.
- Be right, always right, perfectly right all the time. Be the only one who is right and be rigid about your rightness.
- Take personally, with a chip on your shoulder, everything that happens to you that you don’t like.
Are you sabotaging your own happiness? Why not read the rest of Royal’s article and then make some purposeful goals for a truly happy new year.
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