Just a Reminder

Just a reminder that from this Saturday until to the following, the 20th of October, I’ll once again be taking part in the Morning Cafe Cancer Ride for Cancer Council Western Australia. I’ll be cycling over 500 kilometres from Albany to Perth.

The ride follows the success of rides held over the last few years. This will be our fourth ride highlighting the cancer journey of a number of people and raising money to fight cancer.

My fundraising has been moving very slowly so I’d appreciate a hand to boost the tally to help those battling cancer. If you’re in Australia your donation is tax deductible. Even if you’re not, the work that Cancer Council WA is doing is making a difference throughout the world through some highly regarded research projects. Just head to the webpage and click donate. My aim is to raise $1000 for Cancer Council WA.

If you want to welcome our team home, please be at 98five Sonshine FM in Murray Street, Como, by 4:00 p.m. on Saturday the 20th of October.

Along the way I’ll be broadcasting my Morning Cafe radio program from a different town each morning.

Monday 15th October 2012:
Broadcasting from Albany 9 – 12
Albany to Cranbrook 91 km

Tuesday 16th October 2012:
Broadcasting from Cranbrook 9 – 12
Cranbrook to Katanning 80 km

Wednesday 17th October 2012:
Broadcasting from Katanning 9 – 12
Katanning to Wagin 55 km

Thursday 18th October 2012:
Broadcasting from Wagin 9 – 12
Wagin to Pingelly 100 km

Friday 19th October 2012:
Broadcasting from Pingelly 9 – 12
Pingelly to York 87 km

Saturday 20th October 2012:
York to Perth 97 km

TOTAL: 510 km

Please help spread the word.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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