Nine Blogging Years

After a very busy few weeks (or maybe months) I decided to spend a little time catching up on some blog reading this morning. One of the posts I read with interest was 8 years of blogging at Thro’ a glass darkly. While the post is several days old, I’ve probably been reading Saija’s blog for most of that eight years so I decided to leave a comment. As I was thinking of what to write I thought of today’s date and realised that it’s a blogging milestone for me today.

I’ve now been blogging for nine years.

The first time I ever heard of blogging I thought, “What a stupid idea. Why would you want to share all your most personal thoughts with a bunch of complete strangers?”

Since that time a couple of things have happened. Firstly, I realised that I only had to share what I decided I wanted to share, and secondly, a lot of those ‘complete strangers’ have become good friends, even though I’ve never met many of them face to face.

I’ve really enjoyed the ups and downs of blogging and what you see now is rather different than the original post back on the 3rd of November 2003. I hope you enjoy what you read here and that you’ll stay with me as I enter my tenth year of blogging.

I’ve done so much in the past nine years and a great deal of the journey is available for anyone who wants to trawl through my archives.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Happy blog anniversary. I’ve just had my 8th blogiversary and your post reminded me to post about it! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  • Congratulations, Rodney! I’ve been reading here for probably close to 8 years and even though I’ve not met you in-person, I feel as though I know you… and I am blessed by what I know. It’s wonderful that you’re still writing here, not too many people last a whole 9 years of blogging! Thanks so much for your recent comments at my blogs and others through the years. I am always encouraged by your timely words. Always. Blessings, Debra

    • Thanks Debra. I’m stilling writing as often as I can but I don’t get to read other blogs nearly as often as I’d like. When I do get around to blog reading I always appreciate what you have to say. Your posts are often a breath of fresh air amidst the busyness of everyday life.

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