Well … that was a surprise


To be honest, I was more surprised than anyone. I wasn’t expecting it. I didn’t really think I’d hit 30, let alone 52. Not due to any sickness or disease, rather that in my late teens and early twenties I really couldn’t imagine what could possibly lay beyond the age of 30 for me. I certainly wasn’t going to do anything to hasten my demise, I just had an underdeveloped sense of imagination.

I am more than pleased I got over that idea. I now have more than enough plans and dreams to last me until about 120. Whether I’ll last that long or not is still up for debate.

I reached the age of 52 yesterday. I celebrated the milestone with my amazing wife and incredible children, with birthday greetings from friends and family around the world. I’m truly blessed.

While I’m not particularly thrilled about the toll ageing takes on us all, it’s not all bad. At least the fact that my eyes don’t work as well as they once did means I can’t see how old I’m looking.

You may have noticed that I don’t get to write here as much as I once did. I’d like to say that I’ll put up more posts in the coming days and weeks but while that’s my desire, life often gets in the way and that’s not such a bad thing. I do hope to write here a lot more because I enjoy it so much but we’ll wait and see what happens.

If you’d like to find a way to say happy birthday for yesterday from wherever you are in the world here are a few suggestions.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Hey Rodney! You still have a ways to go to catch me. Talk about feeling old! I am now officially 10 years older. I don’t do FB or Twitter so I’ll leave a comment here and on others you write. Congrats on reaching 52. Pray the Lord grants you years more to serve Him.

    • Thanks Bill. Also, thank you for another year of encouragement through your comments. I always enjoy reading your blog and the comments you leave here at mine. As for the age thing, with your attitude and outlook I don’t think you’ll ever grow old.

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