Thumbs Up!

Want to highlight someone making a positive difference?

Is there a blogger who deserves a pat on the back or simply something that has you feeling thankful this week?

The blogosphere can sometimes be a pretty negative place so I reckon it’s great to make a habit of accentuating the positive.

I want to link to a number of bloggers who are writing positive posts each week.

Do you want to be a part of the positive? You can post a thank you to someone, a list of reasons you’re thankful this week, or highlight people doing something worthwhile in your community. You don’t have to post every week but it’d be wonderful if you’re prepared to make the effort to write a positive post most weeks.

If you’re willing to jump in and give it a go, just copy the code from the box below and insert it into your blog post to display the Thumbs Up! badge. (Like the one in the top corner of this post.) Don’t sweat it if you don’t feel technically confident enough to add the badge. I can give you some help if you need it or just simply post without it, however you must link back to this post.

I’ve also been asked about a smaller badge for sidebars. You can copy the following code for a smaller badge.

Write your post any time during the week then email me or simply enter your post details via the Thumbs Up! Blog Carnival submission form. Once you’ve entered the permalink URL of your post, the form fills in most of the details for you.

I reserve the right to reject submissions that don’t fit the criteria outlined above.

At the start of every week I’ll write a post that links to everyone who’s participated over the past seven days.

Do you think some of your friends would enjoy reading Thumbs Up!? Please use the buttons below to share the post. Thanks.

About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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