A Perfect Morning (Almost)

Do you ever have those mornings where everything clicks into place just as it should?

My morning has been a bit like that. I got out of bed at the right time. I had a little time to myself. Thursday is bin day so I took the rubbish out then wheeled the wheelie bins to the edge of the verge. I made Pauline a cup of tea. Had some fruit for breakfast. I even ran a backup on the computer.

Everything was falling into place. I was running right on time.

Then I went to get on my bike. The back tyre had a distinct lack of air. As I mentioned last week, I had a puncture but I wasn’t sure that I found whatever it was that caused it. Looks like I’ll get another chance to look for it now.

Thankfully I have a spare – bike that is. I grabbed my mountain bike out of the shed and I was on my way to work without losing too much time.

So it’s out with the puncture repair kit tonight.

That’s OK. I find that working on my bikes can be quite therapeutic.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • No. I was running late. Then I jumped on a train headed for Fremantle at Perth station. I should have boarded the Armadale train…

  • I wish I had good mornings. The problem is that I am a night person. i guess if I went to bed earlier my morings would go smoother. Maybe I’m not really a night person. Maybe i really am a morning person that need to go the bed sooner! ha!

    Hey…I like the new stuff on the sidebar.

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