Mixed Feelings

Reading that Police across Australia have smashed a child pornography ring after raiding more than 400 homes gives me mixed feelings.

I’m so pleased about those being brought to justice but the sheer size of the operation, with plans to target hundreds more perpertrators, shows that the problem is huge. That means that thousands upon thousands of children must have been abused and photogrpahed for the sick pleasures of those invoved.

Further details of the story can be found here.

The news.com.au story says in part, TEACHERS, police and a childcare centre owner were among 150 Australians arrested today as Australian Federal Police conducted raids as part of a global crackdown on child pornography.

The owner of three Melbourne childcare centres was among those charged with possession of child pornography following the nationwide operation that resulted in more than 2000 charges being laid.

Later the article says, “It has involved high-risk professions and those involved in contact with children including health care professionals, education officials, department officials and those working within the education environment as well as law enforcement officers,” he said.

“This investigation should send a very clear message to people out there who are engaged in child pornography and viewing of child pornography that it will not be tolerated by law enforcement.

“This is a heinous crime that involves real people. These are real victims and real children.”

Mr Phelan said the operation was continuing and he expected many more arrests.

He said so far 55 people had been arrested in Queensland, 42 in NSW, 26 in Victoria, 21 in Western Australia, nine in the Northern Territory and seven in South Australia.

It’s very hard to come to terms with the fact that this problem is so far reaching. At one home that was raided, police seized around 250 000 images of child pornography.

Images seized across the country featured children from the ages of 2 to 16.

We need to protect our children. We also need to find ways to heal those children who have already been hurt emotionally and physically to feed the lusts of others.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • It’s really disturbing to know that there are so many high ranking and supposedly trusted people involved in this raid.

    Teachers and police are people we tell our children they can trust!

    It sickens me that any human can act that way towards the most helpless people in society – children.

  • Remind me…What was that Jesus said about those causing little one to stumble…something about better a mill stone around the neck…

  • …. and I think you’d find plenty of people ready to tie that millstone around a few of their necks.

    The thing we have to come to terms with is – how do we deal with those who have perpertrated these acts? It’s such a horrible thing but as well as letting justice take its course we need to find some way to forgive. (Not to excuse or downplay – but to forgive.)

    I’m finding it very difficult to do that.

  • does anyone know if there is any research being done into the causes of this type of behaviour? We do alot of studies into other destructive and anti-social tendancies, is anything happening to help these people break their addictions? Because that is what it is for most of them i would think, another disgusting habit they cannot control…..and judging from the suicides, something they are deeply ashamed of, but without power to stop it….they need help, as well as justice.

  • You’re right roo, these guys need help. Even those who don’t believe that they deserve help would have to admit that the more help people like them receive, the safer our kids will be.

    Now is the perfect time to put the word out there that they can be helped. There is sure to be hundreds of perpertrators who didn’t get caught in the raids who are now scared and starting to face up to what they’re doing. If they know that they can be helped then surely there is the possibility that they will seek out that help. That will in turn save many children from having their lives ruined.

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