Do you ever see something that leaves you wondering why?
I was at the supermarket this afternoon. I had a basket full of goodies and was making my way toward the checkout. I got there and took my place right behind a gentleman with a shopping trolley.
The only thing in his trolley was a 250 gram packet of potato crisps. It wasn’t a large item. It wasn’t a heavy item.
He waited his turn, paid his money, had the item put into a plastic bag, then packed it neatly back into his trolley. He then started wheeling his trolley towards the car park.
Surely it would have been simpler and easier to just walk out of the shop with his chips. Maybe I’m missing something.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Rodney, I’ve seen older folks use those shopping trolleys as walkers. Sometimes they need the stability of something to hold on to. I don’t know if that’s the case with the gentleman you saw, but it’s something to consider.
PS: I’m glad you included a photo, because over here we call them shopping carts. To me, a trolley is something that carries people. It usually runs on rails and is often electric powered! Thanks for being clear.
Yes Clint, I’d wondered about that but he didn’t seem to be unstable at all. While he was an older man, he still seemed rather fit and healthy. Mind you, looks can be deceiving.
Did you not think the man might be frail and be using the troley as a walking frame?
Maybe his imaginary friend loaded up the trolley with imaginary goodies.
I was going to say the same thing, but it looks like Clint and Chris beat me to it.
When my grandmother was alive and we would go places together sometimes, she would always get a shopping cart… er, trolly 😉 and lean on it as we walked around the store.
I know she needed to lean on it, but I felt terrible because people would give me looks like, “how dare you let that old lady push that all by herself while you just walk along.”
She was so tiny…
ah well, if people weren’t just a wee bit crazy then we wouldn’t have as much fun stuff to write about…