I need a defrag

I thought they were gone for good.

After spending a couple of hours co-hosting our outside broadcast yesterday at Carols in the Park, I sat down with my family to enjoy the rest of the evening. I can’t imagine living in a climate where you couldn’t spend an evening under the stars in shorts and T-shirt singing carols just before Christmas. It was wonderful.

At the end of the night we packed up and got ready to head home. Bags – check. Blanket – check. Rubbish – check. Kids – check. Sunglasses – sunglasses – where are my sunnies?

Obviously I’d taken them off earlier, once the sun went down, but where were they now? I checked my pockets, the tent we used for the broadcast, the car, nothing. I looked everywhere. (Or so I thought)

The problem was that these weren’t ordinary sunglasses. They’re rather expensive Rudy Project sunnies that I bought some time ago especially for cycling. There’s no way we could afford to replace them. (No – not everyone who works in radio makes megabucks.)

On my way to work this morning Pauline sent me an SMS. She said that I had put my sunglasses in her backpack. As soon as I read the SMS I remembered very clearly putting them there. The whole process of placing them there ran through my head like a film. I remembered the scenario as if it were happening there and then.

Funny how I spent hours wondering where they were yet all the time, in the dark recesses of my mind, the truth was lurking. The data was there all along, I just couldn’t access it.

Do you think it’s possible to run a scandisk and defrag on my brain?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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