The story so far …

I’ve posted about my trip before but I thought I’d condense some of the details. So here is the story so far.

I’ll be arriving at Perth International Airport very early (around 5:30am) this Saturday. I’ll be joined by 6 other people and together we’ll take off around 8:30 on a big Singapore Airlines jet headed for Singapore. We’ll meet a couple of others in Singapore before we fly off to Delhi. That’ll give us a team of 9 including 7 cyclists, 1 support team member and a video producer.

While in India we’ll be hosted by the Bible Society in India.

They have 16 offices throughout India covering the different regions of the country. We will be involved with the North West Auxiliary which is in the prestigious Parliament Street in New Delhi.

A couple of days after arriving we’ll be joined by up around 20 or so Indian cyclists and we’ll ride for about a week to Chandigarh, the capital of Punjab. We’ll then return to Delhi for some more cycling around that city.

Having visited a couple of years ago I know that absolutely anything is possible and that’s a huge part of the charm of India. I hope to be able to keep you updated. If not, there’ll be lots to tell once I get back.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Now it is my turn to be jealous. Wow. What a trip that sounds like! Are you taking your own bikes? Will you be sightseeing or are there activities planned in connection with the Bible Society? Where will you stay overnight while on the ride? I hope you will be able to post some during the trip. Can’t wait to hear how it goes. You will be in my prayers. God Speed. David

  • Hi David.

    We are taking our own bikes. Singapore Airlines have generously agreed to let us take them for no additional cost.

    We will have some limited sight seeing but just being in India means that we will see amazing things every minute of the day. We’re hoping to take a day trip to the Taj Mahal. I went there last time and it’s quite amazing.

    We’ll be doing a lot with the Bible Society there. We’ll visit churches and schools along the way and see what Bible Society does there.

    I’m not sure where we’ll be staying. Last time we stayed in a hospital, a school and a few other interesting places.

  • All the best Rodney. Look forward to hearing your stories upon your return, and perhaps the occasional update during the trip.

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