Sticky heat

I don’t know what the temperature is today but it’s very humid. There has been some good rain overnight and so it’s still very sticky.

We had a late start to the day with breakfast at 8:30. A few of us went to visit the Cottage Emporium which is a ten minute walk from where we’re staying. It’s a goverment run market so you are assured of great quality crafts and merchandise at reasonable prices.

We travelled to a friend’s home for lunch. Amit is a guy who was with us on our last visit to India in 2003. We went to his home for lunch last time and it was one of the greatest highlights of the trip. This time all 9 of the team were invited. A couple of team members declined the invitation due to one of them feeling a little unwell. The rest of us piled into a taxi, a private car and on a motorbike to get to Amit’s home.

It was a edlightful experience once again. There is something very special about being in an Indian home sharing lunch with a group of friends. Amit, his brother Ashish and his father Rajinder were all on the trip from Delhi to Chandagarh so it felt like being at home for us.

This afternoon we ran the gauntlet at the local markets. Everywhere we turned there was someone else offering us something we didn’t want at a very good price.

Now there’s a little time to relax before dinner and an early night.

I was going to be preaching a couple of times tomorrow but the church won’t be ready for a guest speaker now, so it looks like I’ll join the rest of the team at an AOG church. It’s one of those that I preached at a fortnight ago.

I’m hoping to post again tomorrow but until then please keep the comments and the emails coming.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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