I’ve finally discovered what happened with my musical talent. A guy at a restaurant in Mt. Lawley got my share as well as his.
We were there for a friend’s surprise party on Saturday night and a young guy started playing the keyboards. I didn’t know that anyone’s fingers could move that quickly or make such sweet sounds.
Halfway through what he was playing he picked up a trumpet and played that equally as well.
Later on he started spinning around the dance floor. Darn. He took all my dancing ability too. No wonder I’ve got two left feet.
Sometimes you meet people like that and wonder if there’s anything that they can’t do.
Now we’ll have to go back there just to watch him play again.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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My daughter can dance, sing, and is always one of the best in the school play. No idea from where this came. Not her parents.
Oh yeah, let’s see HIS blog! I bet it wouldn’t compare! 😉