Debra from As I See it Now has an excellent post about legalism. She’s been accused of being legalistic for the way she lives her life. She feels she’s just being obedient to what God tells her is the right way for her to live. She has certain rules that she follows but doesn’t try to force others to follow those rules or look down on others who don’t.
She raises some good points about the kind of Christians who believe that everyone should do things their way as against those who just get on with living the way they feel God wants them to do.
I think she’s spot on. I have believed for a long time that there are far too many Christians trying assume the role of Holy Spirit by directing the lives of others. There are certain non-negotiables but they’re not for us to shove down someone else’s throat. There are also issues where God deals with us individually and we have even less right to try to force others to follow what we think is correct.
I’d tell you to pop over and read Debra’s post ….. but I don’t want to be telling you what to do.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Rodney, I think she’s spot on as well. We each have to do what we feel God is calling us to do individually. I believe He calls each of us to live out our faith in different ways, and there’s no single right way.