How could three people, who claim to follow the teachings of Jesus, decide that bashing someone for not agreeing with their ideology is a good idea?
This article at tells us, A PASTOR and two bible studies teachers bashed a 19-year-old Korean girl because they thought she had been disrespectful to her parents and had stopped attending church.
Had they not read the Bible account of Jesus preventing a woman from being injured by the local vigilantes? Didn’t they learn anything from his simple words to the woman, “Go and sin no more”?
There can be no justification for this kind of vigilante style ‘justice’, especially when the faith they claim speaks so strongly against such acts.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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I’m glad to see someone standing up against this type of thing. For some reason, it seems if things are done in the name of Christianity, they’re condoned. Thanks for calling a spade, a spade!
It’s truly dumbfounding how people claiming to act in the name of God, could do some of the most heinous actions eh!