Sky High

Do you ever wish that you had super powers?

I always used to love watching Superman when I was a kid. Mum made me a Superman cape and I would fly around the back yard taking on the world’s greatest villains.

I got to re-live a little of my childhood on Saturday when we headed along to see Sky High, the new Disney movie featuring Kurt Russell and a host of young actors. The story has the kids of super heroes going to a high school especially for trainee heroes and sidekicks. There’s also a wonderful cameo by Lynda Carter as the school principal.

It was interesting to see the variety of super powers the kids had. Everything from a girl who could change herself into a guinea pig to kids who could fly, stretch, create fire or even just lift very heavy objects.

It was a great movie and we all enjoyed it. I reckon James will be acting the story out for some time.

I still think that I’d pick flying if I could have a super power. I always thought that Batman was a second rate hero without the ability to fly. How about you? Super strength, invisibility, what would you choose?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Long-range teleportation… the kind where I could grab my wife and *POOF* we’re in Paris (without a passport).

    Or… *POOF*

    I’m backstage at the Grammy’s and slapping Bono a high-five.

    Or… *POOF*

    I’m in New Orleans getting people out of harms way.

  • I’m with you – although I enjoyed Batman, I never felt he was a super hero. He was just a man in a funny suit.

    My favorite was Superman, although The Flash came in a close second.

    If I was a super hero, I’d want the ability to make toast without burning it.

  • apparently I’m “roster girl” and my super power is that I’m able to fill in for any vocalist in our church who can’t make it on sunday 😀

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