The wonder of the world wide web

The internet’s a marvellous thing isn’t it? I needed some medical advice so I went to the place where all knowledge resides, the world wide web. I was able to diagnose the two things that were troubling me.

The first is a ganglion on my left hand. It’s basically a lump created by inflammation of a joint. The age old treatment, for some obscure reason, was to slam them with a family Bible. I decided that that may not be the best way of dealing with a ganglion.

The other health issue, which I’ve mentioned before, has been the problem of waking in the early hours of the morning with stomach pains. The pains hang around for a few hours and are of the kind of intensity that don’t let you get back to sleep. Not helpful if you want to stay alert during the day. According to my internet research it could have been a stomach ulcer. All the symptoms lined up.

I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon to get both checked out and I was right on both counts. The internet knew exactly what was happeing. Mind you, I’m not prepared to hand over the primary care of my health to the world wide web just yet. There’s something very reassuring about talking to someone face to face who knows what they’re doing and can do a proper examination.

The ganglion should sort itself out. I just need to keep an eye on it and report back if it doesn’t settle down.

The doctor gave me some medication for the stomach problems. I’ve got a 14 day course of tablets to sort out the acid issues in my tummy. If that doesn’t help further action will be needed to determine the next step.

Thank you to those who showed concern over my health. As well as being a great place for information, the interenet is a wonderful place to develop friendships. Thanks for being good friends.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • It truly is amazing what you can find on the internet! Even if you have no intention of giving up your doctor, it helps to be able to read up on what you’ve got! Hope your tummy eases up soon!

  • I had a stomach infection all of last week so I know a little how your feeling. When things go wrong with our stomachs we certainly know about it!

  • Just got back from holidays, and I’m flicking thru stuff I missed. Glad to see you got your tummy checked out; hope the meds are kicking in 🙂

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