Awe and wonder


The house was filled with an eerie light. I dashed outside to see what was happening.

To the west the sky was a vibrant yellow. Rain clouds were gathering and the light was filtering through giving a magnificent display of colour.

Looking south east the sky was dark and threatening. In the north eastern sky was a patch of luminous blue. Looking towards that patch it was hard to believe that the sun was about to set.

Arching right across the eastern sky connecting the light and the darkness was an amazing rainbow shining with incredible brilliance. Just above it was another slightly dimmer rainbow.

I called Pauline and the kids to come outside. We stood there in our front yard amazed by the spectacle. The kids dashed next door to let the neighbours know what was going on. There we all were, watching as the rainbow slowly faded.

After it dissapeared from the sky we turned toward the west again. The yellow was changing to orange back to yellow then red and pink. What an amazing show. All the while the smell of the coming rain was in the air. Every now and then a drop of rain would drop on my leg, my arm, my face.

There is wonder all around us. Sometimes we just need to slow down long enough to look for it. I hope and pray that in 2006 you take the time to rekindle the awe and wonder of life and I hope that you get to share it with those you love.

UPDATE: Quirkie tried to capture last night’s skies on camera. You can see the result here.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Our God certainly is an incredible artist isn’t He. It reminds me of sitting on the beach watching the sun set. All the different colours as the sun goes down & the amazing thing is it is a different show every night.

  • Rodney

    I’ve been enjoying reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. If you are interested, I have a blog where I post my heart touching or inspirational stories.
    Usually I post a story a week. Once in a while I’ll use a guest writer.

  • It certainly was a spectacularly natural skyshow last night. The smell of rain and the glorious yellow sky were a great combination!

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