Perfect Match

We’ve just got home from a lovely picnic down by the river. We ate fish and chips as the sun went down. The seagulls weren’t at all ferocious like the ones we encountered last week. There were also some ducks waddling around, some people fishing and the occasional passing boat. Very nice.

When I got in the door and sat down to the computer, I noticed that Ms Jumbled Mind had tagged me.

According to the tag I need to come up with 8 different points to describe my perfect lover/partner. My thoughts immediately went to an old Larry Norman song. (The picture in this post is of me with Larry after a concert back in 1988.)

Ms Jumbled Mind did a great job with the tag by the way and her blog is always an interesting read.

I know that there are more than 8 points here but it’s a fairly good start for the task at hand.

Woman of God
by Larry Norman

I need a woman who doesn’t take drugs or mess with men,
Believes the Bible and despises sin,
Lifts me up instead of knocking me down
Follows God instead of running around.
I need a woman who’s kind and true
I haven’t found her but until I do,

I’ll be looking for a woman of God,
A woman with a righteous heart.
I’ll be looking for a woman of God,
Who doesn’t easily fall apart.

I need a woman who knows the measure of what she’s worth
Stores up treasure but not on earth.
Seeks God’s will in all that’s done,
And keeps her eyes on the holy one.
I need a woman who’s kind and true
I haven’t found her but until I do,

I’ll be looking for a woman of God,
A woman with a righteous heart.
I’ll be looking for a woman of God,
Who doesn’t easily fall apart.

[Spoken] The Bible says – a good wife, who can find?
She’s more precious than jewels.
The heart of her husband is glad in her
She clothes her children in purple;
Her lamp does not go out at night.
She is known among the people in the city
And her children shall rise up and call her blessed.

I’m looking for a woman of God,
A woman with a righteous heart.
You know, I’m looking for a woman of God,
Who doesn’t easily fall apart.

Thankfully, unlike Larry in his song, I have found the most wonderful woman of God. If I had to describe the qualities I would look for in my perfect partner, I would simply need to describe Pauline. We’ve been married for just over 13 years and I’m still recognising more and more wonderful qualities in her day by day.

I’m not saying that Pauline is perfect …. well …. OK, yes I am.

Now, the next part of the tag is for me to tag 8 other people, but seeing as I’m lazy I want you to nominate yourself or simply add some bits and pieces in the comments section below.

If you’ve found that special someone, what were the qualities that attracted you? If you’re still looking, what are you looking for?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

Technorati Tags: – Larry Norman

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • thanks for being a sport and answering the tag!! You are so blessed to have found the perfect someone… I hope one day I will meet mine too….if i have not already met him already! 🙂

  • This is a very moving tribute to Pauline. Nothing touches me more than hearing a man that loves his wife proclaim it to others.

    Now, about that photo of you and Larry. My first thought was “who are those two cute guys?” Seriously I didn’t know it was you! Now I see it.

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