Plasma problems

We’re being told today that some big screen TV owners are interested in taking legal action against television stations who broadcast their logo in the corner of their programming.

This article at informs us that the new plasma wide screens, which cost thousands of dollars, are being damaged by the logos being burnt permanently into the monitors.

One viewer who bought a $3000 plasma screen on Christmas Eve says it has Nine’s logo stuck in the right-hand corner following the Boxing Day test which ran for five days. He also has a Channel 7 logo on the screen which appeared after one day of watching tennis.

He says, “It was silly of me to assume Channel 7 and 9 would care enough about their viewers to ensure their logos wouldn’t damage our TVs.”

I wouldn’t be going after the TV stations for reimbursement, I’d be chasing the manufacturer who charged me $3000 for something that has been engineered to allow such a situation in the first place. Even if I had that kind of money to throw at an entertainment system, I wouldn’t be buying something that had the potential for screen damage by simply using it for what a television is designed to do – show television programmes. If I was parting with that much cash I wouldn’t want something quite so delicate.

Don’t get me wrong, I hate the way that the TV stations put their logo across everything they screen but after all, they’re providing free programming so I either need to put up with it or reach for the remote and turn the box off.

It would appear that newer and bigger isn’t always better.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

Technorati Tags: – Wide Screen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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    That’s me screaming because your link was missing from my blog. I am so sorry. I had it, then lost it and now will put it back.

  • I work at one of the big, well known department stores in their TV department. I always tell customers that there is the potential for images to burn onto screens if they have the same image on the screen for too long.
    As for the person who have the Channel 9 logo stuck on his TV… he should have been one of those annoying people who constantly flicks channels.

    Images burning onto screens actually happens more often if you’re watching a DVD and you fall asleep during it and don’t wake up until it’s gone back to the menu screen. By the time they wake up, the menu has been on for so long that it’s been burnt on there.

  • At my last job one of my odder duties was being responsible for the operation of a pair of plasma television screens in the lobby of my office. By the time I started working there, the televisions had been running 24×7 tuned to the same cable network for two straight years. So by the time I got to them, it was way too late to do anything about the rampant pixel damage.

    I still remember the reaction when I told the powers that be that the screens weren’t fit for anything more than running PPT presentations: Just a shrug. After all, what’s the difference if another U.S. $20,000 gets wasted?


  • Don’t they burn out after 2-3 yrs anyway? The technology isn’t made for long term use.

    I know I will have to change monitors after that long – it’ll dim or shift color. It doesn’t matter if it is a CRT or LCD. Since I depend on my monitor to produce the best looking photograph, I already know I have to budget for a new monitor.

  • And if we don’t put a bug on it, it could easily be ‘borrowed’ by another station 🙂

    Frankly, people should do a little bit of research before they buy things. We just put a new TV upstairs, and it’s an LCD. Yes, the plasma is a better picture, but it does have issues. (Certainly the cheaper ones do.)

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