A fresh start

The big day has arrived. Emily and James are both very excited about getting back to school today and starting another year. Emily moves into Year 5 and James into Year 2.

Pauline’s labelled all their new bits and pieces. Pencil cases, pencils, books, they’re all ready to go.

I expect I’ll get reports this afternoon on their new teachers and any new kids that have joined the school.

While I was never a big fan of school I must admit that it would be rather wonderful to be able to start fresh every year. A new classroom, a new teacher, new things to learn. I suppose we can still start fresh every year if we give ourselves the license to do so. We can still decide to learn new things and learn something new.

Maybe this is the year for you to start something new. Is there something you’ve wanted to study for years but never quite got around to doing it? Is there a college or university nearby that offers short courses that cover something of interest? Do you have a hobby that you can learn more about? Maybe this is the year to enroll in a longer course that may change your career path or life direction. It’s easy to put stuff like that off but time will just continue to slip away if you don’t make a decision.

Is this the year that you’ll take time for a serious look at the deeper issues of life? Maybe 2006 is the year to learn about better relationships. We all want to be better partners, friends and parents but we rarely take the time to plan or equip ourselves to be the people we want to be.

Then there’s the spiritual. Deep down we know there’s something more than what this life can offer us. Are we taking the time to investigate and develop our spiritual side?

If you’re at all envious of school kids being able to start all over every year, make a decision today to create your own fresh start this year. Why should our kids have all the fun?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Hey Rodney,

    My son was feeling very nervous about his first day in year 3! I don’t know if I’m envious of the kids, but I’ve gone back to start some post-grad studies. It should only take me 6 years part time to finish (groan).

  • Although I’ve never been big on celebrating new years, always preferring to go to bed at a sensible hour, i do love waking up on the 1st of January and thinking how I have a whole fresh, new year in front of me to do things differently, better, or that I’ve never done before. It’s a good feeling.

  • Wonderful thought Rodney.
    Yes, a nice idea to get a fresh start, or at least, add to the one you already have.

    Growth, how important it is.
    How often many miss the growth opportunities!

  • I have always wanted to do a sign language course! I have only ever learnt Auslan from the internet.
    So this year I enrolled in an introduction course in April. I can’t wait!

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