I asked in a recent post if you had any questions for me or suggestions for a subject you’d like me to post about on The Journey.
There have been some interesting questions so far. Thanks to everyone who’s taken part. Please feel free keep the questions and subjects coming. You can add yours in the comments of the original post.
Jeff added his two cents worth with the following. “Hey Rodney, I can definitely see the physical resemblance of you in your children; what are some other (non-physical) resemblances you’ve discovered?”
I love the fact that people look at my boy and tell me that they see a strong resemblance. Some even see similarities between Emily and me but most think she looks a lot more like Pauline.
Looks aside, it’s pretty obvious at times that Emily and James are our kids. They really get our humour and have done from a very early age. James may be only in year two but for the past couple of years he’s been coming out with one liners that only his teachers will get. His humour goes right over the heads of the other kids. Emily has been so excited when her friends have come over to be able to show them a DVD or two of her favourite comedies. Most of the time her friends just sit there wondering what’s going on.
I constanly hear the kids say things the way that Pauline or I would. It’s amazing having a couple of replicas wandering around in our house. I suppose we’ve reproduced ourselves. Pauline is the oldest sibling in her family, I’m the youngest in mine.
There are a lot of things that Emily and James do that are similar to the way we do things but many of them come from being in the same environment. The freaky stuff is when I see common attributes that obviously aren’t learned but just a part of who they are.
I’m always amazed when I see stuff coming out in them that makes me think, “Gee, they’re not doing that because they’ve hung around me, they’re doing that because I’m their dad and they’ve got my genes.”
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Family – Genetics
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Question: if U2 is not your favorite band of all time (which I don’t unders1and but we can agree to disagree) then WHO IS????
“It’s amazing having a couple of replicas wandering around in our house.”
That is so true. In reading your answer I am struck by the obvious follow-up question — in what ways do you notice your resemblence to your parents? Personally, my kids have away of bringing out a lot of my father in me š