This Pink & Grey Galah dropped in to say hello yesterday afternoon. We were just minding our own business inside the house when one of the kids started telling us that a Pink & Grey Galah was sitting on our pool fence.
I wandered outside and slowly moved towards the bird trying not to scare it. That was never going to happen. She wasn’t scared at all. As I reached towards her she dropped her head as if to ask me to scratch her head. I obliged.
I then called Pauline to come out and then Emily and James. The bird was more than happy for everyone to give her a scratch. She was very obviously a tame bird.
We grabbed the camera and took a few pictures. (You can click on this one for a better look.)
She was holding her left wing out a little so we figured that it was injured.
Never having kept birds and not knowing quite what to do next, Pauline dropped in to see a neighbour who keeps a range of birds. Unfortunately she wasn’t home. She then asked another neighbour if they knew what to do. They came over and took the bird to yet another neighbour who keeps birds. They said that it was a young female bird.
I read online that they can live for 70 to 80 years in captivity so it’s likely to still be around long after I’m gone.
They’re considered by farmers as a crop destroying menace but I don’t think this one will be heading off to damage any crops with its wild cousins.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Pink & Grey Galah – Galah – Australian Birds
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Hey Rodney, just wanted to make sure you and your family are okay after the big storm I saw on news.
Thanks for your concern, Jennifer. Yes, we’re OK. The cyclone hit Queensland, high on the east coast of Australia. We’re in the south western corner of the country.
We’re several thousands of kilometres away so we won’t be directly affected at all by the cyclone.
Glad to hear it!
What is it with galahs lately? I thought I’d clicked on Grumplestiltskin’s new blog by mistake.
my great-uncle had a galah for as long as I could remember. he loved eating peanuts 🙂 (and he was LOUD!)
Hi Rodney,
in the news over here they said, a cyclone hit Australia. I wrote to them that this is a news like “a storm hit Europe”, but they never answered.
Well, to some people, Australia is just too far away, I guess.
I have been in Innisfail and I am scared when I see what had happened. Nature has so much power!
I read that Perth, too, belongs to the Australian Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres.
Lets just hope nature calmes down again…
When you see what beautiful things nature creates as well… the parrot looks intelligent, I think! Lets hope she gets old and is happy on the way!
Hey Rodney … you’re posting about Galahs, I’m posting about White Cockatoos … we went to Cobram, on the Murray last weekend. Why don’t you drop by and have a look (and listen !!!)
Take care, Meow
Did you know that you look like the guy that played a character called Philip Martin on Neighbours a few years back … you could be his twin !! (Yes, I confess I’m a Neighbours fan !!)
Take care, Meow
My Poppa (Margrets dec. husband) had a pink n grey galah, and when I was about 5 it broke my little finger with its beek cause I stuck it in the cage 😛
But beside that I loved him (his name was Arthur), galahs are cool!
My mom had a galah by the name of Dory – what a character. It used to shower with her, then get in front of the hairdryer and go “cool! cool!” as the hot air whooshed by. The tales about that crazy bird could fill a rather large book.
Now that mom’s passed on, Dory’s been handed over to friends to live out his remaining 70-odd years. I hope they enjoy him just as much as we did!
Oh my gosh, she’s beautiful!!! I don’t think we have anything like that where I live, at least just flying around freely.