It’s nice to know that scorching hot days and balmy Summer evenings are just around the corner. At least that’s the case if you believe the catalogues I pulled from our letterbox this morning.
One of them was telling me about Spring fashions, fair enough, Spring’s officially only a month away here in Australia, but another one was telling me that I should go out and buy lots of clothes now to be ready for Summer. Seems a little strange to be getting ready for Summer when we’re only two thirds the way through Winter.
A shop I was in a couple of days ago was clearing their Winter stock.
I know that we need to prepare for things before they happen but really, do we have to be living that far in advance? Can’t we just live in the moment?
When the sun starts getting a little warmer and the days get longer, I’ll prepare for Spring. When it gets warmer still, I’ll know that Summer is on it’s way and I’ll start wearing shorts again. Just as well I have all my Summer clothes from last year. By the time the hot weather reaches us I probably won’t be able to buy any Summer clothes because our shops will be filled with Winter stock.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Summer – Advertising – Fashion
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You should be like us and miss winter! We haven’t had one for a few years now. Believe we might cop it big time in China in November this year as we come home.
In Spokane and flying Seattle to Toronto Thurs.
Soon there will be christmas articles available. In January I could have bought plastic easter eggs and stuff like that… It makes me a little sad but I think it´s really bad for children. Are they to look foreward to great times like christmas, easter, summer such a long time in advance? They loose the excitement to the real thing on the way, I guess. Well, times are changing. Maybe I´m just old-fashioned…
AMEN! I actually went into a shop last week and they had halloween stuff up already. HALLOWEEN! UGH. I mean I know its down hill when I start avoiding going to the store because I have to hear Christmas carols in the beginning of November. I used to love the holidays… now I hide until they are over… meanwhile… I’ll send some of this scortching American Heat over your way… ugh. I am so looking forward to Summer being OVER!
Maybe they assume we think just because the sun is shining we automatically think it’s getting closer and closer to summer. But believe me the sun is shining but the cold breeze reminds me it is still winter. And summer is still just under 4 months away. It’s amazing we don’t start thinking about our birthday when it is still 4 months away. I don’t think about it on a regular basis until it is a week or two away.
The business’s are just preparing in advance, well in advance, well and truly in advance!
Hi Rodney,
What if I rip a hole in one of my jumpers and need a new one? Aagh! I’ll need to knit my own and that won’t happen. 🙂 I do find the early changes in stock and advertising disorienting, it’s an out of control season warp.