Raking leaves on a windy day

It was a pretty tough ride into work this morning. There was a little bit of rain, which I don’t mind too much, but it was very windy. I was riding against the wind for a fair percentage of the ride as well as having the wind pushing me sideways in other sections of the journey.

Not far from work I spotted a guy raking leaves on the footpath outside the Morley Galleria shopping complex. There were thousands of leaves strewn across the footpath and I thought what heartbreaking work it would be to try to rake leaves on such a windy day. I’m sure that as soon as he had a pile of leaves in one place and thought it was under control, a gust of wind would undo all his hard work.

Do you ever feel that way? Does it sometimes feel that you’re ‘raking leaves on a windy day’? Do you have days when you feel like you’re just starting to move forward in some area of life and then something comes along and blows it all away?

I was wondering about that as I pushed against the wind this morning and I thought to myself, when you’re ‘raking leaves on a windy day’, having the best rake isn’t as helpful as knowing the one who controls the wind.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

Technorati Tags: – Against the Wind

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • You put that under “faith” – yes, I feel exactly like you described! I had to take a day off due to blood tests that were taken on me in my town, I work 40km away from work. I asked my team leader about the procedure, he looked surprised. I said, I couldn´t know since I haven´t been ill the last 5 years I work for the company (and I thought – yes! Now you know, never been ill!)
    Yesterday I got a letter from my company with anniversary greetings for five years of working for them as a web developer, “slightly” late (5 months) and with a voucher over 25 euros.
    I couldn´t invite my spouse to dinner with that… Felt like all the leaves of the past five years just blew away and I wonder, what am I to them (or is this a test?). Faith, I don´t have anymore in them.

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