Well that's just weird

Chris from Life Cycle tagged me a few days back. It’s now my task to list six weird things about myself.

1. I didn’t ride a bike when I was a kid. I only learned to ride when I was 16.

2. My music collection contains everything from Bing Crosby to Killing Heidi.

3. My mind regularly re-writes the lyrics of many of the songs I hear in a sort of ‘Weird Al’ kind of way. I don’t do it on purpose, it just happens. I know what the real lyrics are but my substituted lyrics are generally far more entertaining.

4. I often wander around with bare feet at work.

5. While I’m scared of heights I just love flying.

6. I feel more comfortable standing up on stage to speak to 10 000 people than I do walking into a room of 10 people.

What are some weird things about you? Either post some details on your own blog or have your say in the comments section of this post.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He previously worked in radio for about 25 years but these days he spends his time at Compassion Australia, working towards releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • 1. I was either pregnant or nursing for 10 years.
    2. I have had a pumpkin pie thrown in my face.
    3. I am a third generation San Franciscan (a rare breed)
    4. I once broke my toe when I dropped frozen beans on it (not deliberately)
    5. I met Judy Garland in 1960 and had cocktails with Carol Channing in 2001.
    6. I hate snakes, but once held one–and he peed on me.

  • 1)I feel a lot more comfortable sitting in an announcing studio behind a microphone talking to someone rather than infront of a crowd.

    2)I have double joints in my thumb,ankles,and shoulders which means I can twist and turn like a rubberman(it’s a great party trick)

    3)when I was a kid I once swallowed a peeweee marble. Thankfully it didn’t get stuck inside me

    4)I like tomato sauce tomato relish,
    tomato paste etc but I don’t particulary like the fruit itself

  • Very interesting! I rode a bike when I was a kid, but haven’t in over 15 yrs. Last year I tried and broke my ankle. 🙁

    Re: Bev’s #1 above — WOW!!!

  • I can related to your number 3 & 6 Rodney. Some songs just cry out to be re-written in a Weird Al kind of way! I also prefer bigger crowds to smaller ones when speaking.

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