I think I’ve got the heaviest wallet in the world at the moment.
It’s got all the usual junk in there – receipts, business cards, bank cards, loyalty cards, blood donor card, license and a few other bits and pieces. All those things add to wallet weight but they don’t usually weigh me down too much.
Last night I headed out to the Perth Bloggers Meetup in Northbridge. It was a wonderful evening with 15 people getting together to solve the problems or the world, or plot its downfall, I’m never sure which it is.
When it was time to go I headed to the carpark and put my ticket into the machine. It told me it only wanted a few dollars. All I had on me was a twenty dollar note. I put the note into the machine then heard the sound of metal hitting metal as it threw a heap of coins into the change bucket of the machine. I scooped out all the coins and shoveled them into my wallet.
I’m not complaining that the machine gave me the correct change, I just wish it could issue notes as well as coins.
I hope the waiter doesn’t mind a till full of coins when I head to the Royal Shalimar Indian Restaurant for lunch with a friend today.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Money – Change – Perth Blogger Meetup
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Got to tell you this, Brian and I sat at a coffee shop yesterday and suddenly he grabbed his leg and said “Oh I just thought my phone was ringing” and it wasn’t. I told him about you telling how you as well thought your phone was vibrating and it wasn’t. Brian said maybe it’s his wallet vibrating indicating he should buy a Lotto ticket LOL!
The automatic ticket machine at the train station does the same thing – $15 change in coin! And the thing about that is i always spend coin quicker than an unbroken note. So now i try to change my money at work before i spend all the change.
My wife has a cousin in England who comes along with her family to visit us from time to time. When they get to the U.S. Ken (cousin’s husband) always complains about how much “shrapnel” (his word for coin) he ends up carrying because the machines don’t give notes for change. I just laugh it off and tell him that he can buy me a beer with the shrapnel he doesn’t feel like carrying around. Sometimes it even works.
I have a cash till where I keep all the small change I have collected from time to time. It is getting pretty heavy now. Might have to visit the bank shortly.