Good Vibrations

I thought it was just me.

Have you ever thought your phone was vibrating and needed answering only to find that it hasn’t rung at all? Seems like it’s quite a common occurence.

This article at USA Today (found via PerthNorg) tells us that while we might be imagining things, we’re not alone, and thankfully we’re not going completely crazy.

Apparently we become so sensitised to the vibrating of our phones that other sensations trick our brains into thinking that our phones are ringing. More and more people are now admitting to experiencing the phantom vibrations.

Working in radio, I have my mobile set on silent a lot of the time. I imagine that I’ve become particularly sensitive to the vibrations of my phone because most of the time that’s the only way I know that someone is trying to contact me. I often feel a slight vibration near the top of my right leg where my phone sits. It’s even weirder when I feel the sensation and then realise that my phone isn’t even in my pocket.

So what about you? Do you feel phantom phone vibrations? Are you glad to know that you’re not the only one?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • i often think i feel my phone vibrating when it’s not. half the time when it does actually vibrate i don’t feel it though. 8)

  • i notice when i’m driving.

    my car and/or my car sterio usually mean i can’t hear my phone ring, so the vibration is the only way i know to whack on the handsfree…

    many times i’ve done that only to hear a dial tone.

    i think the vibrations of the car may have something to do with it too, that i feel a small vibration and my mind just thinks it’s my phone.

    especially since these days my phone sits in my centre consol more than it does in my pocket.

  • I had that happen today. I could have sworn my phone went off, but it didn’t. Other times it does go off and I don’t feel it because the pocket isn’t touching my leg (like with shorts).

  • I always feel my phone vibrating when it is not. I mean like 90 percent of the time I think it is ringing it is not. I hardly put it on vibrate now, if I cannot have the ringer I just turn it off.

    Of course when it was really ringing I never felt it vibrate.

  • Sure! I’ve noticed that feeling many many times. Especially at school, where the mobile phones are not allowed, I always feel that it is vibrating!! 🙂

    Love it that I’m not the only weird person in this world!

  • Phantom phone vibrations? I just love that! Yep, I recognize the symptoms too. My guess is that these vibrations are spiritual wake up calls from heaven reminding us to pray. 😉

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