How was your weekend? Mine got off to a fantastic start with a very early ride on Saturday.
A few of the guys I used to cycle with each Saturday morning made the trek to the southern suburbs to join the new bunch I’ve joined. Since we moved house in the middle of last year I haven’t had much of a chance to cycle with the guys that were my Saturday morning companions for many years so it was good to catch up and do a quick 60 kilometres before sitting down to enjoy a coffee together.
I love meeting new people and developing new friendships but there’s something very special about renewing old friendships.
Do you have friendships that need to be renewed?
Distance will prevent it from being a regular thing but I’m hoping we’ll be able to get together again very soon.
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Yep, I reckon I have friendships that need to be renewed. Distance is an issue but effort also needs to be made. Those guys made the effort to come down to the southern suburbs. Good on ’em.