That’s not what he said!

One of the things we cyclists do while out riding is warn other cyclists of conditions ahead and behind.

If we’re riding in a group we’ll point a fair bit as well as calling out things like, “Bike left” if we’re about to overtake another cyclist or, “Bike right” if there’s a rider heading our way. We also call out things like, “Glass” so that the cyclist behind doesn’t end up shredding his tyres simply because some moron couldn’t manage to place his beer bottle in a bin but instead felt it’d be better smashed on the side of the road.

While I was out on the local shop ride this morning we were cycling on one of the dual use (cyclists/pedestrians) pathways near Canning Bridge. There were two young ladies walking beside the path, one on either side. The rider at the front of the group called the warning to ensure that neither pedestrians or cyclists met with any grief.

As I cycled past I heard one of the women call out to the other, “Did he just call us lookers?” Ah, no. He may well have considered that you were both ‘lookers’ but he actually called out ‘walkers’. If you want to believe that he called you ‘lookers’ and consider that as a compliment, go right ahead, but I can assure you he wasn’t making a value judgement on your looks. 🙂

I wonder how often we hear something completely different to what’s been said and base an opinion on something that was never spoken.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • I was in Coles today and looked for Mexican beans as we planned to make some nachos. I asked where can I find some and they guy said he did not know what Mexican bins are?
    Hubby had to help and said not bins but beans. LoL
    Must’ve been my accent.

  • Bins!!! LOL! Sorry, Flea, that´s too funny! 🙂

    Hmm, in German I don´t recall an episode now, but in Australia in 95… a retiree came over to me and asked me straight where I was going.
    I thought – how unpolite?! But answered his question.
    Only later I realised in German you also say (hello), wie geht´s (gehen – going).
    In English-class, though, you learn (in Germany) it´s “how are you doing

    Gah, so it´s worldwide that people keep smashing glass-bottles on cycling-paths 🙁

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