Triumph in Delhi

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Australia is certainly tasting success in cycling at the Commonwealth Games currently being held in Delhi, India. Earlier today I watched Rochelle Gilmore grab a Gold Medal in the women’s road race and a short time ago Australia claimed more gold thanks to Allan Davis and his win in the men’s road race.

The racing is taking place half a world away yet I’ve been able to keep up to date thanks to television and online coverage. It’s been amazing to watch some of the world’s best cyclists competing on some of the same streets I’ve cycled during my visits to India. Of course they didn’t have to negotiate the cars, auto-rickshaws, bicycles, pedestrians and the many other categories of vehicles and wildlife that make up Indian traffic and give it such a wonderful, unique flavour.

While I’ve never won gold, I was awarded some silverware in Delhi back in 2003. That was the first time I’d ever met the Honourable Chief Minster of Delhi, Sheila Dikshit. The photo in this post shows her awarding me a silver platter at the end of a ride from Agra, home of the Taj Mahal, to Delhi. The ride promoted Peace and Harmony within India and was arranged through the Bible Society of North West India.

Watching the games has me yearning for another visit to India. It’s a country that I’ve only visited twice and each time only for a couple of weeks, but it’s a country I’ve grown to love. That’s made it quite sad for me when I’ve seen reports that have unfairly criticised Delhi and India’s efforts to host the Commonwealth Games.

I’ve been especially disappointed by those who have sought to make jokes at the expense of Sheila Dikshit’s name (pronounced Dixit). I wonder if they’d be so keen to laugh at this incredibly gracious woman if they knew a little more about her. Ms Dikshit holds a Master of Arts degree. She is also the recipient of Doctor of Philosophy, honoris causa, from the University of Delhi. She was married into the family of Shri Umashankar Dikshit, a noted independence activist and a former Governor and Union Cabinet Minister. That’s just for starters.

She represented India on the U.N. Commission on Status of Women for five years (1984–89). In Uttar Pradesh, she and her 82 colleagues were jailed in August 1990 for 23 days by the state government when she led a movement against the atrocities being committed on women. Electrified by this, hundreds of thousands of citizens all over UP joined the movement and courted arrest. Earlier, in the early 1970s, she was chairperson of the Young Women’s Association and was instrumental in the setting up two of most successful hostels for working women in Delhi.

She is also the Secretary of the Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust. The trust has come to play a leading role in promotion of international understanding. It presents the Indira Gandhi Award for Peace, Disarmament and Development and Organizes conferences on issues of the global concern. – Wiki

I’ve had the honour of meeting Sheila Dikshit on both my visits to India, in 2003 and 2005, and far from being someone who should be ridiculed, she is a courageous woman who should be admired and held up as an example of service for others.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Rodney, I’ve been a little out of the loop concerning news, but I had picked up only little bits of the games.

    It was nice to learn about this lady.
    I love stories about people. We all have a story, don’t we?

    Thanks for sharing about her, as previously I knew nothing.


  • In Germany… India is known as a Country who does not value women – do you have a better experience? How are women treated like really? Do you know?
    We all love Indian Food, we have Indian people here, too, and they do migrate perfectly. I know no one in person, though.

    I have been to Egypt and met a man who treated me like I was his little sister – I even was a guest at dinner at his Mum´s place – I got respect; I was a guest.
    And I always thought they do not value women much – how wrong was I – or did I find a “pearl” in the Ocean?
    Germany is to accept the Muslim as one religion. Should I agree?

    Being a Man of Religion.. .what do you think of different beliefs anyway?
    I don´t know what to believe – I am a Christain person. I know what is right and wrong, I “believe”, right?
    But I kinda don´t like seeing women in Germany wearing the Burka. This is not right, in my eyes, at least.
    Would be great to be in Perth again – maybe we could talk about this, maybe you could help me understand?
    Maybe you can do a post on Believing?
    Is there one, is there the God, are there many Gods?
    Why that ever-lasting fight between Israel and Palastina? Why Taliban?
    I read books about this, horrible things!

    My family never was “God”-related, but when my Dad was dying he was turning to God – to what God? No idea, is there one, are there many, did they let him die because he was so long without them?

    Questions I cannot go to Church here and ask… questions, that are stuck. I have friends who believe in (the Usual) God. But when we meet, we have “earthly” stuff to share and I always forget about the serious part!
    Maybe I don´t feel they are the right persons to talk about this.

    Rodney, maybe you can help me out.
    I really value that you did never force Ingo or me into anything. You knew we were Christians in the sense of… being Christians!
    No Church-Goers, unsure about God, but Christians in the heart. Donating Blood, helping people, all the stuff we do. “Christianity” – that means to us: Having respect, do your part to community – right?

    There is so much I don´t understand!

    • Iris, I think India is a little like any country in that there is quite a difference in the way women are treated from place to place. The people I spent time with treated women well and in fact during my second trip to India in 2005, our ride was used to promote better treatment of women in all parts of Indian society.

      As far as your faith questions go, I like your idea of writing a post on believing. I will put some ideas together in the coming days that will outline what I believe and what I think are the most important aspects of faith and belief.

  • Thank you, Rodney – I look forward to your post on this, and well, as said, in Egypt I also met maybe “real life”… It´s all just too confusing. We should be one people, why are there different Religions, why do they fight each other, how can that be possible? Violence in the name of God(s)? Isn´t that a contradiction in itself? Terrorism.. in the name of God? Do I even dare to write the words, I´m not sure!
    What about Darwin(ismn)? Isn´t that a contradiction, can you put those together? Am I going too far?
    Those are questions I never got answered/was too young to put in place over here…
    Your opinion would be great. Because… I met you in real life, that makes you a real person to me and your opinion is appreciated (you know what I mean, I guess)…

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