Catching iPad Fever

While the rest of the world is going crazy over the release of the iPad2, I’ve now caught up and become the owner of one of the original iPads.

My wife, Pauline, recently won an online competition through the good folks at Pilot Australia and part of the prize was a 16GB iPad. Pauline was kind enough to give me the iPad and so now I’m getting used to the wonderful world of apps and tablet computing.

So far I’m absolutely loving the experience. It’s fun and practical. It’s the 3G version so I can stay connected wherever I am.

So, do you own an iPad? What apps would you recommend?

The iPad is handy as an eBook reader so I’m wondering if you have any great suggestions for places to find free, good quality eBooks.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • I got the same model as you when it was released last year. I love it and use it every day. Killer apps include OmniFocus, Reeder, instapaper, Twitter, words with Friends, world of Goo, Flipboard, Foodi, Simplenote, 1password, good reader. I use a dropbox account to keep the iPad synchronized with my Mac. I use Kindle, not iBooks, for ebooks.

    • Thanks for the suggestions Andrew. I’ll be checking out all those apps across the weekend.

  • Rodney, I’d add Evernote to that list. It’s cross platform (PC, Mac, iOS, Android, etc) and keeps notes and stuff (lots of stuff) synced between devices. It’s probably my most used app on my Mac or iPhone. I have the premium service, but free is great too.

  • Hi Rodney,

    I just got one recently as well. I have an iPhone and iPods so most of my apps were already collected. There are separate apps for the iPad and some are universal.

    I’d recommend the above apps. I discovered Echofon for twitter because of it’s read/unread synch with the iPhone and desktop versions of Echofon.

    I have MobileMe, so I got the iDisk app and I have a Dropbox. ReaddleDocs is worthwhile to get because it can see both and open loads of documents.

    IBooks takes PDF files, so I got the app Pages to I can make my own PDF books and stick them in iBooks.

    One thing to note, if your iPad says it’s charged but only showing 94%, leave the charger in as it will slowly trickle charge to 100%.

    • Thanks for the suggestions, Victa. I’ve grabbed a couple of those and am checking out the others.

      Thanks for the charging tip too.

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