Have you heard about the thieves in Brisbane who made three unsuccessful attempts to rob a jewellery store? They started by throwing spark plugs at the front window trying to smash their way in. Next they decided to break in via the rear doors but found themselves in the neighbouring Animal Welfare League Opp Shop.
For their final attempt, they broke into a toilet block at the rear of the connected shops and used an iron bar to hack through a wall. They expected to arrive in the jewellers, but instead landed in the local KFC, surprising junior staff and themselves. I don’t think that fried chicken is quite as valuable on the black market as jewellery.
Thankfully they’ve now been arrested but I reckon it’s a fair guess that they were in the wrong career. Not that crime is ever a good career choice.
My original career was in the hospitality industry. I did a four year cooking apprenticeship many, many years ago so I’m actually a qualified chef. There was a range of reasons that I decided it wasn’t the career for me.
I’m wondering if you’ve jumped career. What was it that made you decide to switch? Why did you leave one career and start something new?
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Growing up I wanted to be a professional baseball player. Then I got into basketball. But my mom says I always talked about being a pastor. I have been preaching since 1972 and will hit the official 40 years (ordained) in 2015. I can honestly say I have not thought about doing anything else. I once talked about wanting to own a bike shop but even that took second place.