Our little girl is going on a school camp today. It’s actually more of a mass sleepover but they’re calling it a camp. It’s one of those moments that reminds me that she’s growing up.
A one night stay with her classmates and teacher shouldn’t be much of an issue after we let her go overseas with Pauline’s mum for 5 weeks earlier this year but it’s somehow different.
I’ve come to realise that a lot of parenting is about going against my natural inclinations which are to wrap my kids up in cotton wool and keep them close to me. I’m learning to release them into the world bit by bit.
While that’s scary, I know that’s what I need to do if they’re ever going to find their place in the world.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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I’m not a parent so I can’t say i relate to it yet Rodney but it made me think of something itneresting. I wonder why it is our desire for children to be protected, to hold them close and protect them? Maybe it is how God has wired us up. I’m pretty sure that for most of humanity, he wants to hold them close but our sin taints us and we can’t have relationship. So, instead of preserving the relationship the Father has with Jesus, he does the heartbreaking thing of sending him in to the world, watches as he is beaten and crucified and left for dead. He then rejoices when Jesus rose from the dead because it allows humanity to have a connection with Him.
I know that’s a bit long but it was kinda what I was thinking when I read the post. Top stuff!
Rodney, I know exactly what you mean.
But the worst thing is it doesn’t get any easier as they get older. Like with my eldest, I am already worried about him driving a car and he doesn’t even have a license yet!!
Hope your daughter has a great time at camp š