Mullet City

If you’re in Australia you would have had the chance to watch a Live Aid special last night. It was quite interesting to see all the acts performing and to realise that it all happened over 20 years ago.

It was wonderful watching all the 80s acts strut their stuff on the big stages. There was Madonna, who perhaps wouldn’t have run out of breath if she hadn’t insisted on so many dance moves during her song, Phil Collins, before he started writing Disney theme songs, The Who, who were absolutely brilliant, and so many others.

In some ways it doesn’t seem like 20 years since the Live Aid event. You could close your eyes and take in the music of the 80s and it seems just like yesterday.

Of course if you opened your eyes it certainly seemed like 20 years ago. There were some pretty horrendous mullets on stage. Leading the list of cringe worthy hair styles would have to be Bono from U2. His mullet looked like a bad wig. Of course it was all part of the fashion of the day and back then it looked so cool.

I think I might spend some time tonight destroying all the mid 80s photos of me with a mullet in case they ever come back to haunt me.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Oh now you should post the photo of you!

    I bought the cd set, and have yet to watch it all the way through. That well could be, because thanks to my nephew, I have nearly the whole thing taped live from MTV, on 3 -8hour tapes. So I have relived that day many times already.

    It was a shame that so much was cut out on the CD set.

  • mullet picture, mullet picture!

    I’ve been reading your blog via bloglines and for some reason, the pictures from your post don’t show up. 🙁 Was wondering if you had any ideas why.
    Don’t want to miss out on the mullet picture when it comes up!

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