Real curry

Do you ever go somewhere and wish you could be some place else? I had that experience on Saturday night. It’s not that I didn’t want to be there, it’s just that it made me want to be in India again.

We went to a curry night in support of Hope India Mission. They’re a group of people who provide care for the poorest of the poor in India. They run an orphanage and a tailoring school, giving young people opportunity to learn skills that will help them provide for themselves.

As we stepped into the hall where the curry night was being held I was taken straight back to India. An authentic curry aroma filled the room.

Then I looked around to see a number of Indian faces. I just wanted to be in Delhi or Agra or Palwal or Chandigarh or Shilma or any one of the dozens of places I’ve visited in India or even the thousands of places I’ve yet to experience.

I long to visit India again and I think about it most days, but this was almost overwhelming.

We had a wonderful time on Saturday. The curries were magnificent, the company was superb and it was fantastic to hear about the work that Hope India Mission is doing.

Now I’ve just got to work out how to get back to India sometime in the next few years.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Sorry I could not get there and catch up. The curry at that event is just superb. The smell was still well and truly permeating throughout the place on Sunday. Whats going to make it even more overpowering is the fact that a Burmese church group had a luncheon Sunday afternoon!

  • Oh well – next time Mark. I did get a chance for a very brief chat with your mum and I said hello to Sandy. I’m sure we would have chatted further but the music was underway at the time which made it hard for conversation.

  • I can’t wait to get back to Australia and get some takeaway curry, a few beers, and sit back in front of the TV and watch some cricket. I’ve been really hanging for that for a long time now!

  • I know the feeling. Every now and then something reminds me of China and I so badly want to go back and visit the friends I made while I was there. Thanks for reminding me of it again…fond memories.

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