dropping knowledge

Sometimes coming up with the right answers isn’t as important as first asking the right questions. What are the questions that you’d really like to ask? What are the things about life and the world in which we live that cause you to think deeply and search for answers? What are the questions we need to wrestle with if this world is to move forward together?

dropping knowledge is a new initiative that seeks to ask the deep questions of life.

Their website says, In a world of complexity and contradiction, apathy has become a sort of survival technique. How could you face the evening news without it? Another famine, another flood, another terrorist attack – if we truly identified with the pain and suffering of others, it would paralyze us.

And so our apathy extends not only to those on the other side of the world but to our families, friends, neighbors, selves.

When was the last time you questioned the way things are?

The last time you refused to accept the unacceptable?

The last time you turned your apathy into activity?

Ask yourself.

As well as giving you the opportunity to ask the big questions, dropping knowledge lets you see what are the important issues for others around the world. What are people asking? What solutions do people want to see?

So what will happen with all these questions?

dropping knowledge is collecting questions from the global public that challenge conventional thinking, inspire conversation and encourage further inquiry. For the Table of Free Voices event in Berlin on September 9, 2006, dropping knowledge will bring together 112 inspiring individuals to drop their knowledge at 100 of these questions; the answers will be filmed, generating some 600 hours of footage. The “ask yourself” campaign, Table of Free Voices and other dk activities exemplify the practice of asking and answering questions. Together, these activities pave the way for participation in the Living Library.

Do you have some questions to ask? Do you want to know what others are asking? Drop in to dropping knowledge.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

Technorati Tags: – dropping knowledge –

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • I’ll check it out. Often I find myself asking questions about certain aspects of life, but feel as though I’m the only one asking them.

    BTW, consider yourself Tagged!

  • I’m sort of afraid to drop in. What if it inspires me to actually do something? Or worse yet, just increases my guilt?

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